Saturday, February 2, 2013

Upside Down (2012)

People say that to love another person from a different world is hard to maintain and fight for; that is, in terms of social status. But to love a person from another literal world would seem worse.

In Transworld, though, nothing is as impossible for Adam (Jim Sturgess) and Eden (Kirsten Dunst). In the film, they live in twin worlds but with opposing gravity, thus, making it nearly impossible for any physical contact. Adding up to the barricade is the racism that people were cultured with.  Adam lives in the slums down there while Eden resides privileged in the upper world. Transworld is connected only by a single structure where people from both ends can work but only for the advancement of the upper’s way of living.

As some love flicks gives us, Adam and Eden knew of each other since their teenage years, forgot each other for quite some time, and started falling in love again opposite the odds. But Upside Down does not grant us this structure ordinarily. They fell in love on opposing mountain peaks, Eden had amnesia because of an accident that separated them for a decade, and Adam had to cross the upper world just to make her remember him- even at the expense of being a fugitive.

There are a number of tear-jerking moments as Adam exhausts all means just so they could be together. Most scenes would make you feel terribly hoping to do something to connect them so all problems be solved. In terms of loyalty and actions, I wish I could learn from Adam. And when it comes to submission to feelings and openness to chance, I wish I could find another Eden.

Upside Down, or love stories in general, give viewers reasons to smile, be hopeful, and get inspired that in this world, you will find your soul mate or better half. And when you do, make sure to fight for him/ her.

The film would not make you go upside down, head-over-heels with remarkable lines nor heart- racing scenes; only a happy ending. Watch it to lighten up a seemingly ordinary day :)

P.S. Included in the film are anti-ageing cream and liquid formula for balancing two opposing gravities; products of Adam’s intelligence. As well as futuristic architecture that connects the lower to the upper world as designed by Eden. These two, if real life persons, would surely make geniuses of the next generation.

For more of Upside Down and the cast, visit

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