The best way to get over a woman is to turn her into literature.

What I am getting at is... as I am writing this, I am thinking of a girl. One girl who can now be put as Gotye's smash hit: somebody that i used to know... or is she really already a somebody to me?
See.. how could I possibly turn into literature someone who I have held dearly for at least a year? It is not easy.
If I may compare meeting a special someone to reading a book:
It is hard when the first time you opened the book containing her story, you knew that it would be a good read. There would be countless of good experiences as you progress, and like in most fairy tales, you wished that the author would give you a happy ending.
Indeed, she may have been a good chapter in my life, but as a reader, there are times that it is painful to leave a chapter and proceed to the next one. More so, finish the book where she lived. But as it is, I have to finish the book because no matter how good it is, there are surely better stories yet unread or unheard of.
It is hard turning a woman into literature when:
You liked her because she is a woman of good character and straight values.
Her family is faithful and bonded.
She has dreams to pursue both as a professional and as an ordinary wife which adds up to her presence.
You call each other not by names, but by cheesy terms.
She confides to her parents (mostly her mom) everything you did for her and almost everything you did together. It makes you feel freer to do things because as long as you respect their decision, you are not betraying their trust, but instead is gaining it no matter what.
I do not exactly know why I am writing about this.But looking back on that evening, that evening when I so thought that ours is not going to work, it makes me want to question my decision to let her go.
Yeah, I have surely done it to save myself from shattering into pieces but... wasn't it a challenge given to me so I could prove that I am sincerely, genuinely worthy of her? I guess so. Sadly, damage has been done and so prevention is needed no more; what is missing now is the cure.
Cure for me.
I hope you do not get me wrong at this but I am over that chapter in my life. 'Over' in a sense that I do not see a possibility of us getting back together. Hence, I hold no false hope nor do I believe in friends telling me there is. 'Over' also in a sense that I am genuinely excited to find another puzzle piece that fits me better.
When Henry Miller wrote down those words, could he possibly be heart broken, too? or maybe, he is consoling a friend. I do not know for certain. What I know is that this is a short non-linear blog I came up with, and I believe that this is part of literature.
When I was a child, I used to have a big crayon for coloring an apple. When I started to write, I was very selective of my pencils. They have to be sharp,strong, and long. And now that I am grown up, whenever I wanted to make an artwork, I use a colored pencil. I noticed that I am not yet good at using it. Perhaps this inability to master holding a combined crayon and pencil is a manifestation that I cannot produce a worthy output using it, yet.
There are other instruments to create a lasting work of art. That, I am sure of :)
Good night, friends! :)
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