Saturday, April 4, 2015


I experienced three things in Baguio which were totally out of my control. 

The shutter
On Sunday afternoon, I walked all the way from the White House, to Teachers' Camp, Botanical Garden, Wright Park, and up to The Mansion with my fully-charged digital camera. Those who have been to Baguio know that these sights are far from each other and it is best to commute instead.  

After reaching The Mansion by foot, I hired a taxi to get me to Good Shepherd Convent and Mines View Park in 15 minutes. I spent three to four hours for the entire trip and I took my time taking photos of sights and scenes that interested me. Click. Click. Click. View. Next or delete.

I thought that Mines View Park was tourist-friendly but the view deck (which everyone wants to see) was not that awe-inspiring. Countless of roofs scattered in the mountain range did little to overwhelm me. I decided to take (obligatory) landscape shots to capture my last stop and after three shots, my camera died. 

I submitted to the thought of going back to my transient. I was so damn tired that at one point I even complained putang*na, pagod na 'ko."

The pen
I decided to keep a travel journal with #BiyahengBaguio as my first entry. I wrote down every place I have gone to and my experiences to make my three-day trip last. 

My trip back to Manila was scheduled on a Monday, 2 PM but I was already at Victory Liner by 1:10 PM. The security guard assured me they will announce once the bus has arrived. To kill time, I wrote my last day's journey highlighted by my trip to the Lourdes Grotto. As I was writing my final sentence, expressing gratitude to my landlords, my pen ran out of ink. 

A three-day travel in the City of Pines must be truly exhausting that my pen had to give up on me.

The ride
I weren't able to continue writing so I read The Sherlockian (a fast-paced mystery novel by Academy-award winning writer Graham Moore) instead.

The novel was thrilling and I was so close to finishing it, I didn't want to stop. My mind insisted but my tired eyes gave up. I put a bookmark on the page where I paused and helplessly yawned.  

After what I felt was a long time waiting, I looked at my watch and realized that it was already five minutes before 2 PM! My co-passengers were already boarding the bus so I ran to it. 

Victory Liner didn't announce that my time in Baguio was up. My body made me feel it.  

Whenever I remember these coincidences, I wonder: I think I met Baguio like a lady with her period on, someone who can get cold and unpredictable.  

Tags: #BiyahengBaguio #Baguio #BaguioCity

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