Sunday, December 2, 2012

HR-CSR Christmas Party

Just got home from an evening of fun, laughter, friendship, and prizes: Megaworld HR-CSR Christmas Party 2011 vis-a-vis Erl’s birthday bash.
I had one of the best moments since working in Mega. My gratitude extends to all my office mates who despite being overloaded, were capable of organizing  the party.
I loved how we made fun of ourselves; imitating our more popular mannerisms in the office.
I also liked how we played games, ate food, exchanged gifts, and laughed at anything. No work. No worries. At least for a day.
Next year, I may not know which of these folks will remain but one thing I will forever hold dear: our relationship which is way more than ‘workmates’.
I miss these guys already. I care for them. I will pray for them.
The rest is up to the hands of our Master Architect.

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